
Lista de sustancias altamente preocupantes

The names of Substances of Very High Concern on the Candidate List are now available in 22 EU languages in the ECHA-term database.

The registration is required only for those users who would like to download or comment on the data.
ECHA-term is a multilingual terminology database containing the main REACH and CLP terminology.

The database caters for the needs of various users: REACH and CLP stakeholders, national authorities, translators, interpreters and the general public. It aims to enhance the clarity of communication in the field of EU chemicals regulation. Additional terminology is regularly placed in the database.

ECHA term database

Gobierno prepara medidas para atacar fuentes de contaminación del río Negro

MONTEVIDEO (Uypress) - El Gobierno ejecutará medidas de protección ambiental para el río Negro, según anunció el ministro interino de Medi...

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